First we have to thank our friend Deepa Bhatia who created this wonderful video and made it available to all of us. Then we have to thank our friend Puneet Sharma (Sri's fan club artiste) for helping Deepa in getting the videos from the different fans & his painting for the thumbnail pic of the video. We also thank Deepa's daughter Mahek for helping her mom in making this video. Finally a big thank you to all Sridevi fans who participated in this video and made it possible. We hope Sridevi loved this small birthday gift from all her fans.
Our friend Deepa is well known as one of the strongest pillars of Sridevi's fandom club, but what not many know is the amount of huge passion, dedication and hard work she put into it. It is hard to express the work that has been done by Deepa or still is doing for Sri's fandom club. She is one of the most humble persons, never asks for any credit even when not given. Whatever work she does she do it purely in love to Sri and her fans and never, not even once asked for any credit for that in any way or even a simple thank you, but we want to change that and want to thank her and give her all the credit she deserves be it for the videos or for her other hard work. When she says she is Sridevi's worshiper we 100% believe her because it truly shows.
Deepa we love you for all this and keep rocking as you always do.