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We have added to fans submissions few very beautiful Sridevi sketches made by Seda. Seda is an artist from Armenia who is in love with Bollywood. She is very talented and deserves to be supported, Follow her on Twitter on @Seda_Artist
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Sridevi fans like their empress are creative and clever. Our friend Sumit Daga who is one of Sri's die hard fans has written a brilliant short story as a gift to our diva for her birthday last year. The story is about The Queen herself and he cleverly implemented his friends names who are Sri fans in the story! It is a very creative idea and very nicely written be it the choice of words or the sequence. We loved it and thought it would be something really good for others to read too. Below is just part of the story. You will find the full story HERE in Fans Corner section.
Some dreams come true! To many Sridevi fans it is one of their dreams to meet The Last Empress Sridevi and experience the joy others have experienced. Our dear friend Lakshmi Moorty is one of the lucky fans. Lakshmi has been a loyal Sridevi fan for many many years. She loves Sridevi a lot. Lakshmi has met Sridevi in 1986, she visited her house and spoke to her parents & then Lakshmi got another chance of meeting Sri in her visit to Bay Area in California, USA. Lakshmi greeted Sridevi, talked to her and expressed her love too. She had made a speech in the event where she was next to Sridevi welcoming her to the US and talking about how a big fan she is. We have to say that Sridevi looked very comfortable with Lakshmi. They both posed together holding hands! If you see the below picture you can clearly notice the comfort & happiness on their faces. Lakshmi even recorded a video welcoming Sri, talking about her memories and how much she adores her. In the same video Lakshmi also says that she named her granddaughter after Sridevi's name. No matter what we say we can't express the love and admiration unless you hear it directly from Lakshmi. Watch the below superb video and click HERE to read few words from Lakshmi herself & see more pictures of the event in Bay Area. The whole thing has been added to the fans corner section. Lakshmi ji we are very proud of you. Well Done! and thank you for sharing your wonderful experience with us. We all love Sridevi in different ways. She is in our hearts all the time. Her fans are more than die hard fans. It is very difficult for a fan to explain or express how much he loves Sridevi and what he would do to show that love. While Sridevi is definitely tattooed in our hearts there is this die hard fan, our friend Abhay Nevrekar who decided to have Sri's name tattooed on his forearm and fingers!. Abhay has been a big fan of Sridevi for many years. On last year's birthday of the diva he decided to have the tattoo as a birthday gift for Sri. Yes he has Sridevi's name tattooed in his heart but he went one further step ahead by having it really tattooed on his fingers and forearm. Abhay said that he did it so that Sri remains with him and before his eyes 24 X 7!
We really hope Sridevi reads this post and see how much her fans love her and how much they are loyal to her. Abhay we salute you for doing this and thank you very much for sharing your pictures with us. No, this is not a tutorial or a guide of how to be a fan! because simply love cannot be taught. It just happens. & loving Sridevi just comes from the heart of her fans. Each one of us has his own ways in expressing that love. Each one shows it in his own unique beautiful way. Today our feature post is about a die hard Sridevi fan who showed it again and again. Rajan Naidu, the name must be very well known to many Sri fans and if you are reading this and you still do not know him then keep reading because Rajan can show you what a fan can do for his favorite star. When English Vinglish (2012) was about to be released our friend Rajan went on to celebrate the occasion in his own way. He booked the whole Maxus theatre for the 7.30 pm which has a seating capacity of 290 seats! He paid Rs 5000 in advance to the theatre. All family and friends were present there to share with Rajan his love. The news got spread and reached news agencies which posted about it be it Times of India, Bharat Student etc.. It was all over the place and we were very proud of Rajan for showing this beautiful gesture for Sri's comeback film. Times of India said "There have been tales of fans standing in long queues for hours at a stretch to get tickets for films featuring their favourite stars. But booking an entire screen in advance isn't something one has heard in quite a while.". While Daily Bolly said "It’s genuine to say that once a time the actress was dominating the whole Bollywood platform as the numero-uno starlet and hardly had there any comparison of other B-town actresses with her. But we got surprised to see the obsession still exiting among her fans and you will be surprised to know that one of her dead-end fans Rajan Naidu have booked a whole theatre for private screening of her upcoming movie ‘English Vinglish’ even much before the movie releases!" There is also a beautiful video posted by Rajan himself giving a speech there just before the screening. That's not all. Rajan's story does not end there! It actually starts from there. He has written a wonderful post on his facebook page about his meeting face to face with The Last Empress Sridevi and how she met him and his wife warmly. Not only this but Sri has also named his first born as Daivik which means Divine. She held the baby, blessed him and also gifted him. The story is just too beautiful to be summarized that is why we have included it fully as he wrote it in a new section we have created called "FANS CORNER" where we will feature Sri's fans with their stories from time to time.
Thank you Rajan for sharing your story and experience with us. We are very proud of you. Rajan's whole post, pics and videos can be found HERE This was a a beautiful article written on Bollywood Life. A poll has been conducted. One of the many polls that Sridevi won that year. The poll was about voting for the most powerful character of 2012. Sridevi won the poll with over 74% of the votes! Isn't that great? Not just the number of votes but how Sridevi played a vulnerable and fragile character and turned her in the film to a powerful one without exaggeration. Sridevi made the audience care about Shashi Godbole and made them want her to succeed. We laughed, cried, got upest for her sorrows and happy for her joy. That is what acting should be, to live a character and not just play it. Sridevi gets the full mark for that.
Another nice thing about the below article how they included some of the fans comments too. Our dear friend Rajan Naidu who is one of Sridevi's die hard fans and very well known for his immense contributions in Sridevi's fandom says "Sridevi is undoubtedly the HERO of this movie". Yes Rajan, you said it right, she is the HERO with caps, just like how she was and still is. Another fan from Dubai Khaled Khalifa shared his experience in the theater while watching English Vinglish. He clearly points how Sridevi is a universal star and has an international appeal. Yes our Devi conquered the world with her wonderful comeback. She is the most powerful woman indeed. The things we do as fans for our Sridevi are beyond belief. We love her, no doubt. And be sure that the elegant lady loves us back too. In November 2012 a big group of die hard and very loyal Sridevi fans decided to throw a success party at PVR Theater in Mumbai celebrating the huge success and appreciation that English Vinglish has received. Fans have requested the film director the gorgeous Gauri Shinde to join with Sridevi and be part of this celebration.
Gauri Shinde arrived and she was very sweet, down to earth. She did not behave like a director of a successful film, but a normal person. Fans were whistling, clapping and cheering at the screening and Gauri was watching them and laughing at their reactions to what was happening on the screen. We are sure she has felt all the love and affection that her wonderful film received by the fans and audiences. At the interval Sridevi arrived! fans were ecstatic! That day Sridevi had an eye injury and the doctor asked her not to leave home for few days until her eye gets fine. Despite this the queen still made it to the event! She welcomed all the fans with her beautiful gentle smile, She spoke in Tamil with some of the fans. All fans questions were answered too! Fans also asked her to do the Michael Jackson dance step from the the film which she did! Sri was very very humble and cooperative. She signed each and every autograph without any fuss or acting starry! When the event came to an end and she was about to leave the venue a small girl aged 7-8 years went running towards Sri asking her for a picture. Her manager said "Sorry, enough, Madam has to leave now" but Sri interrupted and posed with the little girl with her hand on the girl's shoulders. Sri also thanked all the fans for their continuous love and support. This was a fun filled evening. Having your absolute favorite superstar in front of you in that humble and down to earth way. Everybody felt the love and warmness in this joyful togetherness. When the evening came to an end and both Sridevi & Gauri left some of the fans had tears in their eyes. The tears of joy that they will never forget. Date of the event: 5th November 2012 Venue: PVR Theater in Mumbai Story & Pictures have been contributed by one of Sridevi's die hard fans and one of the strongest pillars in Sridevi's fan club, our dear friend Deepa Bhatia. All the pictures can be seen in the gallery ==> Events & Functions ==> 2012. You can find them HERE |
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